Friday, October 19, 2007

Just What is the iPod ?

If you ask 10 people to explain what an iPod is, you’ll likely receive 10 different answers; and all of them will likely contain some element of fact and logic. Introduced by Apple Computers in 2001, the iPod is technically defined as a portable music player; and even this doesn’t do it justice.

As you’ll see (or perhaps know already from your own experience), the iPod is so much more than a mere convenient way for you to listen to music while on the go.

These things SELL!

The iPod is the #1 seller of legal digital music and digital music devices.

And just what does it take to be #1 in the highly competitive personal entertaining business? Well, since its launch in 2001, over 3 million iPods have been sold; and counting.

In fact, in a 3 month period from April to June 2004, almost over 850,000 iPod and iPod minis were sold. To put that into some kind of perspective, that’s almost 10,000 iPods/iPod minis per day. And if that doesn’t make you go WOW, that’s 398 per hour, or just under 7 per minute – of every hour, of every day, for 3 months!

It’s no wonder, given these awesome sales total, that the question most people ask these days isn’t: are you getting an iPod, but rather: where is your iPod?