Friday, April 20, 2007

The Ipod Audio Book Phenomenon of Today

The good sounding mp3 is one of the most exciting sound pieces of equipment today. I am amazed at how much high quality product they can put in that little piece of equipment. The surest bet is that the great ideas of today will be even better tomorrow.

For now the ipod audio book phenomenon of today is the star of the show. The mind of man, when inspired, will find new and better entertainment equipment to modify and invent forever.

For suppliers, distributors and manufacturers to stay in business they have to keep making better products for us to give us more benefits like fun, education and entertainment. Simple inventions from great minds spawn eternally new products and more innovative ways to use them.

As long as we keep buying them, inventors will come up with new ways to get desirable new products on the markets like the mp3 and of course the ipod audio book.

The ipod is one of the hot new technologies that is shooting up in consumer use. It allows you to take downloads of audio book discount products almost everywhere.

Young people like to listen to music as they wish. When they get older they will have to pay more bills and their mental outlook will change. They will want to listen to fiction book products and training oral books.

You can tune into your vast vault of sound product while doing many things. Do not get into trouble doing this while working or you could get in trouble with your boss.

Many listen to audio products while jogging though I wish they would walk, wish is safer and healthier for them. Listen to Dale Carnegie life training while you exercise at home without street noise distracting you because of your head phones.

The loaded ipod audio book comes with convenient and comfortable carrying devices for you. They are not as klutzy as some product of the recent or distant past, like the big boom boxes of yesteryear.

Sure you can still listen to your valued music but guess what my friend? The pen is still mightier than the guitar? I know, I know, if you are sixteen this sounds like a big lie.

If you have time for musical instruments and musical voices that is swell. Please keep in mind that there are limits to the value of music and rap.

Please also keep in mind that there is unlimited value to audible training you can get from your ipod mp3 player. If you are not reading you are seriously limiting your personal growth.

I realize your mind, eyes and physical body get tired after work and even play. Let me ask you something though? Have you ever listened to the creative writing genius of Stephen King in, Green Mile or other of his great works?

I promise you your mind will connect to his brilliance when you listen to his abridged or unabridged book stories being told. You will get smarter and more creative because this is how the human mind works. Silly sounding but true.

When you are depressed and bored sometime, like the next time, try clicking onto an audio book website. You will see thousands of tales and training and just plain fun stories all spoken to you by good speakers and even celebrities and original authors.

Any good audible web site will have free samples of almost all their presentations. Click on ones that appeal to you. Try some free downloads and eventually buy one that you like the looks of and make it your own forever.

This technique is called making time when you all along thought you do not have time. Like reading a book. Remember when a loved relative read you stories while you sat by them as a little shaver? Try and believe me that the warm satisfaction of this great experience is still there when you listen to an audio book being read to you.

The ipod audio book will have a magic solution to some of your problems. You can learn how to load them up and download them from my other articles and of course from your favorite web site that carries these audio goods.

It is fairly easy to learn how to do this and to load them onto your ipod mp3 player. This will expand your brain and concentration and listening power to the point of improving them. Sound good? I thought so!

Listen to Carnegie and Stephen while doing routine chores. Keep up to date and get up to date with your favorite foreign language training and dieting advice. Keep alert while driving your F-150 or semi with trailer. Know that you are doing this while keeping up with the rest of your life.

Your depression and loneliness will lessen. Your brain power will grow and make you feel better about yourself and give you more to talk to others about.

While there are lots of sites available for you to shop in you will soon develop your own favorites. Your listening desires will direct you to the areas you feel drawn to the most. You will find fiction book, true stories, training, education, self development and virtually everything else that has ever been printed.

So here you are. Are you ready to be a little happier? Are you ready to be a little smarter? Are you ready to meet the great minds of today and yesterday? Then my friend, the ipod audio book is surely for you and I do mean you.

About the Author

James M. Lowe has lots of audio books for your listening pleasure to have read to you{a href=""}downloadable audio books.