Monday, April 2, 2007

Look Where We Are Today

Everybody and every place is now doing it. Hell, you can even get online access at McDonald's and Burger King. There is a small charge at these 2 places but Panera Bread offers it for free to customers. I have always told people in the past that if they want to get online and don't have internet access at home then they should visit their local library. Pretty soon, while going to the bathroom, you will be able to access the internet.

I'm suprised that Steve Jobs has not done something with this yet. I mean he has Ipods that are toilet paper dispensers so you can listen to music while in the bathroom. He has tennis shoes, Nike i believe, that have a built in Ipod. What about shoes with the ability to check your emails? What about hats that allow you to either watch TV or surf the net? We are getting so very close to being able to do things like this.

50 years ago if you had told people that pretty soon we would be buying water in the bottle they would have thought you were nuts. What about paying $3 for a cup of coffeee? I remember being able to get a burger and a cup of coffee for a buck. I can ever remember comic books for only a quarter. I was looking at comic books at wal-Mart the other day and I almost had a heart attack, some of them were almost $10, most were at least $5.

When I was about 5 years old I still have this memory of my dad complaining about the 32 cents per gallon for gasoline. Imagine if he could have taken a look into the future to see the $4 we were paying last year? I used to work in an ice cream parlor when I was just out of high school and senior citizens were always asking about ice cream cones with a scoop of ice cream for like a quarter.

Think back to when people only had maybe a radio for entertainment, life must have been boring back then. Look at everything a kid has at their disposal today. Remember the video game pong and breakout. Thats all that was available when I was a kid. I had a handheld football game but that was only a light you had to push across a small screen.

About the Author

Jeffrey has over 2 decades experience in the business world. When he writes he blends his unique wit and humour into every article which if you rread his blog you can see all of his many works.