Monday, April 23, 2007

Prepare Your Space for Great Study Habits

Something that has always been very frustrating to me is having the ability to study effectively. It always seemed that no matter how hard I tried there was always something that got in the way of my getting a good study session in so I decided to start from the beginning and make my study habits better so that I could get more out of my learning. The first thing that I did was to prepare my personal study area for more effective learning. Here is what I did.

The first thing that I did was to do a thorough cleaning. I made sure that the area was neat and that the only real things that I had there were the things that would benefit me when I was doing my studying. That meant getting rid of the TV, Ipod, radio and anything else that would keep me from learning. I then made sure that everything that I needed for studying was available and easily accessible. I also made sure that when I was in the study area that everyone knew that I was not to be interrupted for any reason other than emergencies. Unnecessary interruptions are always bad for study because it breaks your concentration and then you need to spend additional time getting back into your subject. A few other things that I was sure to do was to get a comfortable chair, make sure that the lighting was adequate and the temperature was right.

So if you are ready to get the most out of your study then you really need to start at the beginning with the proper preparation. This will get your study session off to a good start and help you to learn more in less time. Future articles will cover other aspects of study habits.

About the Author

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