Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Future of The iPod Movement

Everyone is buying iPods these days and all the retail stores are out of stock. Many parents had to buy gift certificates for their children for Christmas having missed getting into those stores early enough to get them an iPod. This is one massive consumer movement; can you believe it? Do you have an iPod yet?

But what will the future of the iPod craze look like in years to come? We already have the iPod Nano and at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas we saw the announcement of the Eyebud, which is a tiny head and eye mounted unit allowing you to watch music videos or Pod Casting with full motion video.

Well with all this technology, how can it advance any more? Well, glad you asked and here are some ideas regarding the future of the iPod and iPod Nano. I believe that the iPod device will eventually end up with several variations such as a wrist watch with a voice activated feature and become a holographic entertainment center and communication device (3G Video Cell phone too). It will be able to run whole seminars and University Classes on the table at Starbucks by simply laying it on the table and turning on the holographic professor.

All these technologies are moving forward now and soon we will see them all integrated into the newest versions of the iPod for your viewing pleasure. Isn’t technology great? Stay tuned to the iPod saga as the story will be even better than this with future renditions. Think on this in 2006.
