Thursday, August 30, 2007

Who Had The Patent For MP3 Players First? iPod or Creative

According to a settlement just reached by Apple Computer Inc. with Creative Technology Ltd., Apple has acknowledged that they were not the first with the patent to the software and systems that make their MP3 players work.

Maybe Apple was not the first with the technology but, they certainly have laid out the best advertising campaign for their iPod mp3 players. So much so that the the word iPod has come to designate any make and model of mp3 player on the market today. Apple has also sold more than 1 billion music and video downloads through its online music store, iTunes. Apple has grabbed over 75% of the mp3 player market while Creative has struggled to get into the double figures.

In the future, Apple will pay for a license to use Creative's patent. Creative, in turn, will be able to design iPod accessories, such as speakers and earphones. Sim Wong Hoo, chairman and chief executive of Creative, noted that the much smaller company's business stands to benefit from its alliance with the market leader.

The real advantages of this alliance between Apple and Creative and how it will affect the market and sales of mp3 players may lead to other mergers or patent agreements between the other manufacturers of mp3 players, such as, Sony, Sandisk, Samsung, Rio, iRiver, and RCA. will give you the information to compare the many brands of mp3 players on the market today.